Are Certain Activities More Common To Expose Kids to Head Lice?
It’s important to know some lice basics. Lice cannot jump or fly, they can only climb. Also, lice tend to die when off the head for longer than 48 hours (though nits can last a few days).
The three most common activities that spread lice are dance, cheer, and gymnastics. Repeatedly tumbling on mats, sharing brushes, and team hugs are all high risks for lice. Other common origins include softball, church youth groups, reading mat time at school, or visiting family.
Longer hair makes you more susceptible to head lice. When engaging in activities that bring you in close contact with others, putting your hair up in a ponytail or braid is the best defense against lice. You can also use peppermint sprays and shampoos as a repellant, or Active Rinse (dimethicone) to reduce the risk of new bugs starting an infestation.